Back to the grind…

Almost 4 weeks back and it feels like I never left! Been meaning to update on the Nigerian baboon adventures but have been bogged down with writing, analyzing, procrastinating and who knows what else…Can someone focal me to tell me where all the time has gone?!

The tan is pretty much gone as London has been cloudy and dreary–where is the summer? Not that it matters much since most time is spent in “Hell” aka the 24hr computer lab on campus. Hopefully after my first draft deadline (extended to this thursday), there will be some baboon photos, stories and reminiscing!

Overall, Nigeria was an eye-opening experience to how stressful and fun managing your own research can be. The people were absolutely amazing and welcoming and the baboons were hilarious and loveable when they weren’t being assholes running up waterfalls or steep terrain. Too bad it was such a short time! But hopefully after finishing this Master’s, I’ll find myself back in the field again!

In the meantime, it’s back to the grind…

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